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Particeep raised €800 000 to build a fast and powerful investment marketplace software to disrupt the financial industry The Fintech Particeep raised 800 000€ in funding from Bpifrance, AXA Strategic Ventures (previous funding partners), Jean Losco (JMYX Holding, Founder of Fircosoft) and from Total Development Regional (Voir la version française ici) Particeep, located in Paris, […]


Update Particeep Go live : wenesday 7 september 2016 Header and footer are now fully customizable : You can edit header and footer withouth any risk. If you make a mistake, just trash your page and the initial header/footer will come back. You can edit header/footer on the “Edit Content” page on the admin back-office. After choosing to create a customized […]


Here are the new features of the week. With Particeep product updates, find the new ways to efficiently proceed paperless funding operations   Simplified management of funding requests for the project leader The project leader can follow their financial operations with ease. He/she has the transaction history, details of each operation and the list of investors, […]


Meet Particeep at Moneyconf, G20 summit and Viva Technology. Check out our new blog, new platforms, new products & features!


From June 21-22 2016, MoneyConf is a finance and technology event held in Madrid, Spain. The event is invite-only and is the world’s fastest growing technology event. The event is brought to you by Web Summit – a platform for the world’s leading fintech companies. About the event: MoneyConf is bringing together 1,500 decision makers […]


The 2016 North Africa Future Banking Forum will address the latest innovations, trends and challenges in this emerging market. The forum will take place from the 24th October – 25th October and is rotating around the central theme of “Innovation for 21st century banking.”   Key topics will be discussed at this forum: The Future of Digital […]


Particeep – Product update & new features, week #21 – 2016 Public or private profile :  simple users can now decide or not to display information on their profile. To do this, they only have to go to the “my account” page. Auto generated legal documents : when launching a fundraise, if you need to attach a variablized document like […]


The ICT Spring Europe 2016 is one of the most influential conferences on the European financial agenda. This conference brings together more than 1,500 professionals in the European financial industry and takes place at the European Convention Center of Luxembourg. A highlight of this convention is the prestigious awards ceremony, the European ICT Awards, during […]


What is Corporate crowdfunding ? The crowdfunding ecosystem is well supplied in France. There are a multitude of platforms to fund ideas, projects, startups and SMEs, in several different forms: donation/rewards, capital stake, bonds or loans. This funding is for project owners or managers of SMEs to get the means to finance quickly and at the […]

Do you want turnkey financial services distribution solutions?

Discover our Particeep Plug and Particeep Finstore solutions.

Do you want turnkey financial services distribution solutions?

Découvrez nos solutions Particeep Plug et Particeep Finstore.