Category / Our news
The 2016 North Africa Future Banking Forum will address the latest innovations, trends and challenges in this emerging market. The forum will take place from the 24th October – 25th October and is rotating around the central theme of “Innovation for 21st century banking.” Key topics will be discussed at this forum: The Future of Digital […]
The ICT Spring Europe 2016 is one of the most influential conferences on the European financial agenda. This conference brings together more than 1,500 professionals in the European financial industry and takes place at the European Convention Center of Luxembourg. A highlight of this convention is the prestigious awards ceremony, the European ICT Awards, during […]
We are very happy to present Particeep’s new website ! We have worked to focus our message on our four main client types: Crowdfunding Players: crowdfunding platforms, crowdequity, crowdfunding and other FinTechs who want to have a turnkey platform to organize their financing. Asset Management Companies: wanting to digitalise their business and facilitate the distribution […]
Particeep va à la rencontre des professionnels de la gestion d’actifs BI-SAM Symposium invite les professionnels de la gestion d’actifs à se rencontrer autour de thèmes stratégiques ayant un impact sur l’analyse de la performance, des risques et du reporting. Pour cette troisième édition, Particeep interviendra sur le thème : Comment mettre le digital au […]
The European Crowdfunding Convention sets the stage for being Europe’s largest, most important event in the Crowdfunding industry, a must for top executives of Crowdfunding Platforms, Business Angels, Venture Capital Funds, Incubators, Technology and Creative Media Industries, Renewable Energy Sector, Development Aid Professionals, Policy Makers, Startup Managers and Entrepreneurs as well as other interested stakeholders. […]
Business Breakfast – Particeep at Moscow – Presentation and live demo Particeep is expanding internationally and has setup an event in Russia in partnership with Numa Moscow (which is using Particeep’s call for project solution) and Capdigital. We are glad to announce that the 29st of September we are organizing a business breakfast in the French Entrepreneur House (MEF). David […]
Particeep sera présent à l’International Financial Forum organisé par Paris Europlace le 7 et 8 juillet 2015 au Pavillon d’Armenonville. Cet événement parrainé par Michel Sapin, Ministre de l’Economie et des Finances, réunira de nombreux grands comptes Français et étrangers, capitaux risqueurs, fonds d’investissement, analystes financiers, brokers, banques, assureurs, gestionnaires d’actifs… Steve Fogue, CEO de Particeep, interviendra le 7 juillet […]
L'équipe Particeep est fière d'accueillir de nouveaux actionnaires dont le fond Axa Seed Factory. Un premier tour de table bouclé à hauteur de 350K€.
De nouvelles solutions pour l’equity crowdfunding Lancé en 2013, Particeep se modernise et intègre désormais des outils innovants. La toute nouvelle plateforme propose aux professionnels des solutions pour organiser leurs levées de fonds en ligne de façon privée et solliciter les investisseurs particuliers dans le cadre de campagnes de crowdfunding. La plateforme vient d’être labellisée […]
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