The emergence of new technologies and especially internet lead to a new banking system: online banks also called virtual banks. They allow you to access accounts statements and online services online, to realize transactions, access financial information through the bank website or a smartphone app. We’ll discuss why those online banks are appreciated and acclaimed by customers.

Online banks: what’s that?

An online bank offers you the same service that regular banks, but online. Thus, you can open your bank accounts, make bank transfers and bank withdrawals from your bank online. Sign up for life insurance with life insurance policies at reduced entry and management fees or request a credit to your online bank.

Online banks activities are being processed through digital ways such as the internet, phone, webcam. Contracts can be fully done online thanks to e-signature, legal in the UK since 2000.

For the few still doing the old way of transferring money through checks, online banks can accept them thanks to digital slips. Of course, you will have a debit card. Online banks are under the same rules and laws as regular banks.

Choose online banks: freedom!

If you are used to processing bank operations, online banking might be the best option for you. Thanks to online banks you manage your account from home or wherever you want to. It makes your life easier, no need to meet an advisor to open an account or request a money transfer.

With your customer dashboard, very user-friendly, easy to handle, available on desktop, smartphones, tablets, online banks give you unlimited access and operation 24/7. There no time, neither location restrictions. Moreover, no online banks require you to house your assets on their services.


Interesting pricing and interest rates

By using only banks, you will have no opening, managing, daily operations, cards fees, it’s all free. The best savings booklets are offered by banks online. Their interest rates are better comparing to traditional banks because online banks have less fee themselves, for instance, they have no rent to pay.

Not everything will be free. However, online banks pricings are 2 to 3 time lower than regular banks. For instance, if you would like to challenge yourself on the stock exchange, online banks offer low pricing for brokers.


Particeep helps you to display and sell online your banking and insurance products

In order to industrialize the online sale of banking and insurance products, Particeep has developed the solution called Plug. The goal is to offer a simple Widget to integrate your products to purchase directly or through your distributors (brokers for example.)

To find out more, contact our sales team, they will be happy to introduce you our bank sales solutions online!

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