Posted on 2 September 2016

Posted on 2 September 2016

Update Particeep
Go live : wenesday 7 september 2016

  • Header and footer are now fully customizable : You can edit header and footer withouth any risk. If you make a mistake, just trash your page and the initial header/footer will come back. You can edit header/footer on the “Edit Content” page on the admin back-office.
    edit_headerfooterAfter choosing to create a customized header or footer you can edit it in the same way you edit standard content page. If you platform is multilanguages, you can edit header/footer in each langage.
  • Edit platform logo : A logo can be added through your admin account.  If you add a logo, add a logo on the CSS editor and on the Content Editor pages. They respectively display logo on content pages and on dynamic pages.
  • Manage deal status : when launching a new fundraise, or when selecting projects, the first status is “under analysis”. The second status is “under instruction”. With this status, jury members can add ratings to projects. We added the possibility the change status again and come back to the initial status “under analysis” through a list :
  • Offer competences, skills, … : when viewing a project page, users can now engage with the project and offer skills, time, competences. Other things than money. The admin can then view the statistics in its back-office.engagement
  • Richtext in the messaging tool: when sending a message through the internal messaging tool, users have now a richtext editor.messagerie
  • Anonymous profile:  people that want to hide their informations can now choose to have an anonymous profile.
  • New profile presentations : when viewing the profile of an user, the display has been review  and rearranged

  • [reward] Adding a check when donation is free to have a minimum of 1€ .
  • [reward] Adding an confirmation alert when a project owner add a news counterparty
  • [reward] Project funded: We now display clearer informations on thumbnail when a project is funded (cancelled or funded).
  • Thumbnail modifications: percentage has been deleted because it was redundant with the gauge and its percentage. We now display the current amount funded.
  • Modification of a confirmation alert when a payment is refused by Hipay : the green alert has been replaced by an orange alert.
  • When launching a new fundraise, the admin can now check if a document has been attached to the fundraise or not.
  • Adding a mandatory informations bloc on the left page of project page for regulated platforms.
    This bloc replace an orange alert with only links to risk and fees pages.

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