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We are very happy to present Particeep’s new website ! We have worked to focus our message on our four main client types: Crowdfunding Players: crowdfunding platforms, crowdequity, crowdfunding and other FinTechs who want to have a turnkey platform to organize their financing. Asset Management Companies: wanting to digitalise their business and facilitate the distribution […]


An insight in the Swiss crowdfunding market As part of our blog, we are looking at the crowdfunding market and regulation of many European countries (check the Netherlands and the UK). In this article, we will have Switzerland as the country of subject. Switzerland is a country in which the crowdfunding market is not far in its […]


Crowdfunding in Holland : regulation and market information As mentioned in the previous article about Alternative Finance in the UK , the crowdfunding market in Europe is getting bigger and bigger. Today the country of subject will be the Netherlands. The Netherlands is also one of the earliest adaptors but not well known by many. The […]


UK Crowdfunding regulation and market information Alternative finance is a fast growing segment of the financial services sector. Within the whole of Europe, more and more platforms arise as a result of the economical crisis. In many countries the concept of alternative finance is fully integrated. In particular the UK is very developed in this […]


Particeep va à la rencontre des professionnels de la gestion d’actifs BI-SAM Symposium invite les professionnels de la gestion d’actifs à se rencontrer autour de thèmes stratégiques ayant un impact sur l’analyse de la performance, des risques et du reporting. Pour cette troisième édition, Particeep interviendra sur le thème : Comment mettre le digital au […]


The European Crowdfunding Convention sets the stage for being Europe’s largest, most important event in the Crowdfunding industry, a must for top executives of Crowdfunding Platforms, Business Angels, Venture Capital Funds, Incubators, Technology and Creative Media Industries, Renewable Energy Sector, Development Aid Professionals, Policy Makers, Startup Managers and Entrepreneurs as well as other interested stakeholders. […]


Business Breakfast – Particeep at Moscow – Presentation and live demo Particeep is expanding internationally and has setup an event in Russia in partnership with Numa Moscow (which is using Particeep’s call for project solution) and Capdigital. We are glad to announce that the 29st of September we are organizing a business breakfast in the French Entrepreneur House (MEF). David […]


Deal flow management tool for Business Angels and syndicates Particeep provides a private deal flow management platform to Business Angels Clubs and syndicates. On this confidential and securized platform, startup, SMEs or seed projects can submit their profile and present their  activity. On the other side angel investors can browse opportunities according to their criterias, invest and follow their investment […]


Venture Capital Software for General Partners Particeep software is designed for VC to ease startups or small and medium enterprises funding. With this venture capital software,  VC can monitor their dealflow from sourcing to exit , give access to experts to proceed due diligences and track their key performance indicators.   Web Portal White label platform plug your own […]

Do you want turnkey financial services distribution solutions?

Discover our Particeep Plug and Particeep Finstore solutions.

Do you want turnkey financial services distribution solutions?

Découvrez nos solutions Particeep Plug et Particeep Finstore.