🚀 Improvements

  • Monitoring of the status of distribution agreements by banks and insurance companies
  • Addition of a data mapping space between several offers on the same subscription route
  • Addition of flexible payment frequencies on all product offerings.
  • Addition of graphic elements in the subscription path editor (icons, id)
  • Addition of additional information to the subscriber area: disabling notifications, viewing the payment schedule associated with a subscription
  • Addition of the possibility for distributor accounts to resume a subscription initiated by a prospect or a client while respecting the restrictions on the edition of personal data.
  • Addition of an automatic backup of customer data at each stage of the subscription process

🔧 Corrections

  • Bug fix on the conditional stages and exit conditions associated with the subscription routes
  • Bug fix linked to the display criteria for sections and the conditions for redirecting to a stage in the route.
  • Bug fix linked to multiple conditions on customer data which may mask certain stages of the subscription process

🚀 Improvements

  • Implementation of automatic validation of distributor partners (Parameter to activate from the administration back office)
  • Possibility to add an automatically generated document and to sign before launching a new operation
  • Addition of the history of the net asset values and the prices of the securities for each transaction
  • Addition of a confirmation email to the user following a contact request
  • Addition of a parameter to the creation of a new product, allowing the automatic assignment of the product to any new partner registering on the platform

🔧 Corrections

  • Bug fix on the search system in the product table
  • Bug fix related to updating a page of a fund type product
  • Bug fix on adding the country of birth of the joint account to be associated with the subscription

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