
Particeep has gathered renown speakers to discuss the drivers of change, the emergence of embedded finance and the opportunities arising for the industry.


Opening comments

Keynote (10 min): Embedded finance: towards an invisible and ubiquitous banking experience


  • Elias Ghanem, Global Head, Market Intelligence, Capgemini

Roundtable (50 min): Embedded Finance – getting ready for the future of banking and financial services.


  • Elias Ghanem, Global Head, Market Intelligence, Capgemini
  • Alexandre Rispal, General Manager, Assurly
  • João Freire de Andrade, Co-Founder & President, Portugal Fintech; Executive Director Big Start Ventures, Banco de Investimento Global
  • Rui Negrões Soares, Head of Digital Bank Department, Caixa Geral de Depósitos
  • Steve Fogue, co-founder & CEO, Particeep


​Moderation: Vincent Van de Winckel | Klav7 | Consultant and European Business Representative for Particeep

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